Preserving Intent


Warning: contains real code

I have the pleasure of working with lots of great junior developers through our partnership with Netguru.

I enjoy the process of code reviews, because they provide the ideal time to pass on some of the things I’ve learned; where abstract concepts can be applied to concrete code.

What follows is the story of a really quick back-and-forth that I believe improved the readability of one single method in our Rails monolith.

The task

The task involved producing a daily business report for all our wonderful Inn Style customers, and in particular displaying the Average Daily Rate (ADR) for a particular hotel or B&B.

As hotel rates fluctuate depending on demand and other factors, revenue managers are keen to know what their ADR is (or was) for any given day.

The formula for calculating the Average Daily Rate is simple:

total value of the bookings for that day / number of bookings on that day

Thus if we have three bookings totalling £270, our ADR is £90.

We can express this in Ruby as:

def average_daily_rate
  booking_value / rooms_booked

So we’re golden, right?

booking_value returns a Ruby Money object, and rooms_booked returns an integer.

So we can write a spec to assert the following:, :gbp) / 3
=> #<Money fractional:9000 currency:GBP>

And then ship it!

But what about infinity?!

Every good mathematician and Ruby Space Ranger will note that we need to deal with the classic division by zero problem.

Because if we don’t sell any rooms, then our ADR is infinity.


But in reality, it’s zero.

So then the first change comes.

def average_daily_rate
  rooms_booked == 0 ? 0 : booking_value / rooms_booked

So now we’re checking whether the number of room booked is 0, and if it is we return 0. If not, we execute our original code.

The above code uses the ternary operator and is the shorthand way of writing:

def average_daily_rate
  if rooms_booked == 0
    booking_value / rooms_booked

The first nice improvement we can make to this code is to use the zero? method given to us by Ruby’s Numeric class.

(If you’re interested in how we get to use Numeric, you can open up irb and run 1.class.ancestors, which returns [Fixnum, Integer, Numeric, Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]. But this is all for another day.)

So now we’ve got to this:

def average_daily_rate ? 0 : booking_value / rooms_booked

And I think this is more readable.

Although we do have another problem. And that is this method is now returning two types of object: either a Money object or a Fixnum (the 0).

Again, this is easily remedied by wrapping the entire thing in

def average_daily_rate ? 0 : booking_value / rooms_booked)

And now this works perfectly. It passes the tests.

And so this was the exact code presented to me for code review.

But it nagged at me.

And the reason was that I felt the real intent of the method (booking_value / rooms_booked) was lost at the back of that ternary, which was now wrapped in the Money initializer.

I come back to this Four Simple Rules post by Martin Fowler every few months, and those rules for well-designed code still resonate:

  1. Passes the tests
  2. Reveals intention
  3. No duplication
  4. Fewest elements


Let’s look at those one by one:

  1. Our method does pass the tests. So that’s good.

  2. I don’t feel it reveals enough intention (it doesn’t make the actual ADR algorithm centre-stage).

  3. There is duplication because if any rooms are booked, we’re redundantly wrapping a Money object in a Money object. (Ruby Money is smart enough to handle this, but is still unnecessary.)

  4. It’s one line of code. Which is cool. But perhaps its brevity is the reason it is masking intent. Can we make a sensible trade off?

Removing duplication

We can remove that duplication easily, by making the zero a Money object.

def average_daily_rate ? : booking_value / rooms_booked)

Revealing intent

How can we ensure the actual ADR algorithm is given centre-stage?

In my opinion, the guard clause is the perfect tool for this job because we are literally guarding ourselves against dividing by zero. Or we execute the very simple code that we had before complexity started to rear its head.

Here’s that refactor:

def average_daily_rate
  return if
  booking_value / rooms_booked

And now this feels so much nicer. We escape early to avoid infinity, or we run the simple division.

One more thing

That was bugging me. It’s just ugly. And so I jumped into the console to see if there was a joyous helper class method.

And sure enough, there is a Money.empty concept that aliases as .zero.

So our final code looks like this:

def average_daily_rate
  return if
  booking_value / rooms_booked

I adore this refactor. (Which is why I’ve written about it.) Because the new code demonstrates why Ruby is such a loved language. It’s so readable it almost looks like pseudo-code you’d show to somebody who doesn’t program.

And if we compare it back to:

def average_daily_rate ? 0 : booking_value / rooms_booked)

I know which I’d rather read if I was hunting down a bug.
