Make the change easy. Then make the easy change.

(That’s a Kent Beck quote. It continues to resonate.)

Web-based software products (my career and continued fascination) change all the time.

Partly because they can, and mostly because life happens to the businesses that build them: new customers, technology, regulations, and trends – all bringing their own picnic of demands, quirks, and problems.

But before you make changes, you’ve got to understand how the code is executing right now.

Bad code makes you feel like you need to understand everything to understand anything.

(That’s a Sandi Metz quote. She’s the finest teacher I’ve ever had. Thanks Youtube.)

Programmers spend more time reading code than writing code. So it’s critical that the code we write is easy to read.

Which is easier said than done.

People rarely write code that is deliberately hard to read. It just happens with time and tide – a bad variable name here, a confusing negated boolean check there, and the classic quick fix that becomes a permanent fix to make a convoluted test pass that a developer who no longer works for you wrote four years ago.

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

(That’s a Martin Fowler quote. He’s not short of good ones.)

And so we must write software well.

It turns out that writing software well isn’t too dissimilar from writing anything well.

Good writing is subjective but there are recurring themes:

1. Cut superfluous words

Brevity brings clarity. Use the right words in the right place. Without good choices, sentences meander; paragraphs bloat.

Software is no different: the same intention can be reached with more code than is necessary. Understand your libraries and the power within them.

2. Good writers are avid readers

“Writing is learned by imitation. If anyone asked me how I learned to write, I’d say I learned by reading the men and women who were doing the kind of writing I wanted to do and trying to figure out how they did it.” William Zinsser in On Writing Well.

Read the docs. Scour the source code. Attend the talks. Seek out the books. Somebody, somewhere is most probably writing software in a way that just feels right – even if you can’t express why, exactly. Follow your nose.

3. Never underestimate editing

The plot in a book is always obvious to the writer; every interweaving detail is coherent, each character’s traits apparent. But the writer’s best intentions do not always make it onto the page. And so an editor’s work is crucial.

Having your code reviewed and edited serves an identical purpose: it can eliminate clumsy mistakes, highlight areas where meaning seems vague, and provide suggestions that make the code’s purpose clearer.

If you love writing code, you’ll love it enough to write as little of it as possible.

(That one’s from Jeff Atwood.)

Regardless of your code quality, making changes is easier when there are fewer changes to make. So write less code.

Let me be crystal clear: the act of reducing line lengths with abbreviated variable names or ternary operators is not the intended pursuit. Shorthand is easier for some to write. It is certainly not easier for the majority to read.

This is simply about doing less programming by making better decisions.

You can’t make good decisions until you can choose from a smorgasbord of solutions. And to assemble such a thing, you need to dive deep into understanding problems.

A problem is a difference between things as desired and things as perceived.

(That’s from Are Your Lights On? by Donald C. Gause and Gerald M. Weinberg.)

You might think users perceive your app to be slow. And they desire much faster response times from the server.

But what if your users perceive your app not to be slow, but completely unresponsive? All of a sudden, your immediate problem is not about speed or performance – but simply about feedback and expectations. It’s no longer an engineering job, but a user interface one.

If you can’t write three possible solutions to any problem down, you probably haven’t thought about the problem long enough. Really creative solutions come from really interrogating the problem.

(To paraphrase the wonderful Rory Sutherland: everybody seems intent on building billion dollar high-speed trains, but who’d complain about a slower one serving free champagne?)

Relentlessly ask yourself what is actually the problem and whose problem is it?

Stop treating your ideas so preciously. Make them real. Get in the dirt and work.

(Love him or hate him, Gary Vaynerchuk speaks plenty of truth.)

Understand the problem, decide on a solution, and then execute.

Executing is hard because you often begin with a vision of the end. What you really need is a clear vision of the start! The ability to decide on what to do first is a skill you have to develop.

Predict too much too soon, and you just won’t move. You’ll paralyse yourself and your team.

So get moving. Write a test. Share a document. Sketch an interface. Copy and paste some code.

Make a start.

No one in the brief history of computing has ever written a piece of perfect software. It’s unlikely that you’ll be the first.

(That one’s from Andy Hunt, author of The Pragmatic Programmer.)

The pursuit of perfection is crippling. I know. It is something I have wrestled with my entire career.

In The Score Takes Care of Itself Bill Walsh talks about awarding himself zero points for victory. He expected to win. He expected perfection. When he achieved it, he didn’t celebrate because that was simply his baseline. And when he lost, he took points away. Eventually the maths catch up with you.

I nearly cried reading that section of the book. For the first time somebody had articulated how I had been scoring my own work.

Look after yourself. Accept you will fail. Celebrate your victories.

Dancing joyfully with the machine, just for the pleasure of the movements, is the love of my work. Utility is a distant second.

(That’s DHH. Creator of Ruby on Rails.)

Writing software, building products, and growing businesses isn’t easy. And there will be bad days. But the good days should outweigh the bad ones significantly.

There is serious pleasure and satisfaction in building functional things that others can use.

But a world full of function and no joy is not one I choose to live in.

Nothing motivates me like finding joy in the thing I am doing. And when I’m motivated, I know I’ll find a way to make the change easy.

And then make the easy change.